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Michele Pollacek

Certified Consultant

My Story

It's been about 10 years since my addiction started. I resisted even trying Scentsy...for so long... but once I bought my first warmer and bar, I was hooked. I'm totally not into the "pushy salesman" type stuff... but, honestly... Scentsy sells itself. I love how cozy it makes my house.... and one warmer in my living room, smells up the majority of the house. (Of course, I have them ALL OVER ... but , I don't have to have them all going at once!).... I would love to help you, with any questions you have! Please contact me, if you'd like to host an ONLINE or BASKET party, so that you can earn free product! Online parties just involve a link, where your family members and friends can shop. If you host a basket party, I will provide you with testers, to bring to your workplace, friend/families houses and etc, and collect orders. I find these to be the most beneficial, because you don't have to get everyone in one place, at one time... and honestly, I feel that when people feel less pressured, it's also more successful! I'm super excited for this new catalog and all of our new products!   <!--endbody-->  

What's warming in my home